2019 Partners for Progress Conference: Nov. 26-27
EDIT: The 2019 Partners for Progress Conference has been rescheduled for November 26-27 at the Holiday Inn, Truro, NS. If you had previously registered, please note that you must re-register at this link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/partners-for-progress-2019-tickets-72670813359
Planning is underway for the 2019 Partners for Progress Conference with Nova Scotia’s Regional Enterprise Networks, set for November 26-27 in Truro and hosted by the Truro Colchester Partnership for Economic Prosperity. The Partners for Progress Conference brings together private and public sector partners involved in the REN model to identify key areas for improved strategic economic development.
Click here for further details and to register for the 2019 Partners for Progress Conference: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/partners-for-progress-2019-tickets-72670813359