Representatives from the Cape Breton Partnership recently returned from the second mission to Vietnam as part of the Partnerships for Municipal Innovation: Local Economic Development (PMI-LED) project. The Cape Breton Partnership and the Union of Nova Scotia Municipalities (UNSM) have entered into a four-year partnership with the Association of Cities of Vietnam (ACVN) to develop capacity within their organization, foster prosperity, attract investment, and create business opportunities.

The first mission, which took place in June, included representatives from the Cape Breton Partnership, the Municipality of Victoria County, and the Town of Port Hawkesbury. This second mission, which included representatives from the Partnership, took place from November 6 and 15, 2017, in both Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) and Hanoi. Delegates took part in activities such as attending Vietnam’s 2017 Urban Day and Forum and participating in the ACVN Strategic Planning Workshop.

“This trip was a technical mission where the Partnership worked directly with the ACVN on their strategic planning process and their training centre needs, as well as developing plans for the next three years of the project,” said Carla Arsenault, Chief Operating Officer of the Cape Breton Partnership, who attended both missions to Vietnam. “The Partnership and the UNSM look forward to continuing to strengthen our relationship with the ACVN over the coming months and will begin to plan the trip for the Vietnamese delegation’s upcoming visit to Cape Breton in June of 2018.”

Drawing on the Partnership’s experience developing the Prosperity Framework model, delegates from the Partnership have been able to offer best practices and models of success to assist the ACVN in the development of their strategic plan and strengthening their organization’s services to members. The next mission to Vietnam is schedule for March 2018 where the UNSM will focus on assisting the ACVN with policy development for their members.

Coordinated by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and funded by Global Affairs Canada, PMI-LED partners work with local governments and their associations in Mali, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Vietnam, Cambodia, Bolivia, and Nicaragua. All direct program costs, including travel, accommodations and meals for delegates, are covered by Global Affairs Canada. Participating municipalities and organizations, both in Canada and abroad, provide some in-kind contributions, including knowledge sharing and staff time.

Over the next four years, Cape Breton Partnership and UNSM officials will help the Association of Cities of Vietnam strengthen its capacity to plan a community-led economic vision, to offer effective economic development projects and services to their communities, and to adopt policies and practices that promote inclusive and sustainable economic development. Specifically, they will be focused on institutional strengthening, training development, strategic planning, capacity building and policy development.

For more information about the program visit

Media contact:
Carla Arsenault
Chief Operating Officer – Cape Breton Partnership
(902) 577-2455