Cumberland County shows there are plenty of jobs

Source: Aug 31, 2020 AMHERST – The grass is not always greener on the other side. It’s an old adage, but one Cumberland County business leaders are trying to get through to their employees and those who may be entering the job market for the first time. Several manufacturers in the county have joined… Read more »

August 2020 NSRENs Update

In Nova Scotia, Regional Enterprise Networks (RENs) are
leading a collaborative approach to economic development
and supporting business growth.
Click here for some recent updates from each of
Nova Scotia’s Regional Enterprise Networks for August 2020.

Calling all Cape Breton Employers! Cape Breton Partnership launches Online Job Board

Cape Breton Island, NS – The Cape Breton Partnership has created, Cape Breton’s first online job board for Cape Breton employers and job seekers locally, nationally and internationally. Employers from across the Island are encouraged to promote any vacant jobs and job seekers are asked to visit the site frequently as new job opportunities are advertised.

July 2020 NSRENs Update

In Nova Scotia, Regional Enterprise Networks (RENs) are
leading a collaborative approach to economic development
and supporting business growth.
Clich here for some recent updates from each of
Nova Scotia’s Regional Enterprise Networks for July 2020.

2019 Partners for Progress Conference Held in Truro

The 2019 Partners for Progress Conference was held at the Holiday Inn in Truro on November 28-29. Over 154 people registered and attended the conference, representing REN staff, REN Directors and members of the Liaison Oversight Committees, Businesses, Municipal Representatives and Service Providers from across Nova Scotia.

Cape Breton Partnership Hires new President & CEO

The Cape Breton Partnership has announced that Carla Arsenault is the successful candidate in a recent competition to fill the organization’s role of President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO).